News — bong
Why You Should Use A Grinder With Cannabis
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What is a grinder? A grinder is a device designed to break the bud into fine, evenly ground bits. Because cannabis buds are typically large, dense, and sticky, they must be properly prepared prior to being rolled. While it is possible to break up bud with your hands, most prefer the help of a grinder. Should you buy a grinder? YES, you cannot roll great joints or smoke slow burning bowls without one and they don't have to break the bank! There’s a range of different grinder options available; however, we will cover the four basic categories you should be aware...
Is Smoking With A Bong Healthier?
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Are bongs actually healthier when used in smoking? Most smokers are aware that burning marijuana does produce certain compounds that can be harmful to the body. These are the same ones also found in tobacco smoke. Usually, pot is smoked in joints, but studies show that using water pipes, aka bongs, may be better in regards to your health. How? Well, it’s all in the water. The water pipe can trap as much as 90% of the toxins that you would have otherwise inhaled straight into your lungs. Passing marijuana smoke through water removes substances such as cytotoxins that can actually impair your...